A Poem About Daffodils
On 2018 March 21st by montyDaffodils aren’t daffy Nor so serious And not always so happy A bit like all of us Happy Poetry Day 2018!
News Transcript
On 2018 March 19th by montySimilar to the Smash Mouth All Star brief from a year ago, we had to choose a song and write a short piece based on it. Can you guess which popular song from 2007 is the inspiration for this live reporter broadcast?
Olfactory Pleurodonta
On 2018 March 8th by monty“Pride. The scent por butch, pour femme, pour non-binaire.”
It stank like bed-sweat, months after requiring a change of sheets, but with a gentle lilt of ripe apples after a summer rain. The tart musk hit like a curse, but the immediate familiarity of it pulled him in deeper. He inhaled desperately to keep chasing that soft bitter-sweetness beneath, as though burying his face into the pillow of a departed lover.